Purchases are shipped from our own warehouses. Our endeavour is to make the products reach you within 4-5 business days from receipt of payment.

Order deliveries will be made by our own staff or third party courier or logistics companies usually between 9am – 5pm Monday – Saturday, excluding public holidays.

Products will need to be signed for upon delivery and acknowledgement shall be the conclusive evidence that the products are delivered. We take no responsibility for acknowledgement signed by an alternative person other than the person ordering the product at the address indicated at the time of the order.

Since the transactions are authorised by the card holder, we do not take responsibility for incorrect addresses provided at the time of placing the order.

We are not responsible for damage of products after delivery.

If you believe that the product is not in good condition, or if the packaging is tampered please send an email at mentioning your order reference number.

We shall make our best efforts to ensure that a replacement delivery is made to you at the earliest. Title and risk of loss for all products ordered by you shall pass on to you upon Planet’s shipment to the shipping carrier.